2- School for happy children and teachers

The current school system does not consider the holisic nature of man in any way. Schools with a healthy balance of heart and mind are scarce. Instead, pupils' minds are increasingly crammed with rational knowledge. Many children lose their joy and motivation for learning already in first grade. Many teachers, on the other hand, are confronted with huge classes which hardly allow the necessary support for an individual. It needs new school concepts to make schools “life-schools”. Everyone should be allowed to come and live in harmony with themselves and experience support and enjoyment in their own being.

Yoga and meditation in schools- #21

Many studies show that yoga and meditation influence school climate and the development of children in a very positive way. Relations between pupils and teachers improve in such a way, that the children show a better social behaviour and increase their concentration and efficiency level. The potential for children and schools is huge. Get involved in projects that make yoga and meditation an integral part of the school day.

Nutritional change in schools- #22

Many children receive food and nutrition in schools and at home that do not feed them on a mental and energetic level. Get involved in a change in school dinners according to ayurvedic and yogic aspects, which aim to increase the energy of children and provide them with spiritual and physical vitality. In addition, we also need projects that intend to inspire parents for a nutritional change at home.

Personal training in schools for children and parents- #23

Children need to learn the importance of the relationship between themselves and nature. They also need to discover the natural knowledge they already carry within themselves. Neither of these is taught at school or at home. They also do not learn the natural laws that need to be observed to be able to live a life in happiness, abundance and harmony with oneself and nature. Every human being is the creator of his own reality. The sooner we understand this and the mechanisms behind, the more we can create our lives satisfactorily. Get involved projects that are specifically designed to make this knowledge accessible to all children and parents.

Set up new school concepts- #24

Nowadays, people use only five percent of their brain capacities. What would we be able to do if the remaining 95% were used? Every human being possesses secular knowledge on one hand, but also carries a supernatural spiritual potential inside. Both at the same time. The task of every human beingt is to develop and express his full potential and use it for the benefit of other human beings and the earth. Only then, he can lead a happy life. In the current school system children´s minds are filled with rational knowledge. But their supernatural intuitive abilities are neglected. Thus they loose valuable years in their holistic development.

Get involved in schools that recognize, triain and promote the skills of children. Schools, where heart and mind are combined and so help pupils to achieve a holistic development. These concepts should include natural learning, in which a child can determine his own development progress according to his interests. Furthermore, they should enable children and teachers to learn and teach with joy and in a loving envrionment, where everybody is able to keep their natural inner balance.